Tabletop synthesizers have many advantages. They are compact, portable and autonomous. They can easily connect with other devices but do not need them to be functional. They are ideal for starters or as a complement to complex systems.
At Synamodec we have manufactured quite a few devices of this type. Both synthesizers and effects units. Or completely customized audio elements such as mixers or patchers.
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid)
— design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960.
All this material is based on the principle of maximum simplicity of use and quality in the resulting sound. Most of the time they have a large part of their components point to point welded. Or combined with our own design PCBs. They generally fit in sturdy aluminum boxes or aluminum and wood containers.
Synamodec approach
We currently produce tabletop models focused on classic subtractive synthesis ( and the creation of drones and noise.
In 2021 Synamodec has started the production of synths specifically focused to noise and drone. The Synadrone was the first and has been extensively used in some experimental producctions. The Astrogorus is another example.
We love this kind of projects and in the near future we are planning to expand our family…
Years ago, the first synth we designed was the DND-SS1, an standalone substractrive synth very basic but with a huge sound. The improved second version, the DND-SS2 is still in production.
In addition, almost all products in the rest of the categories can be adapted to work as standalone, so the possibilities are endless. Of course, all models can be customized.
Again, Synamodec is customization. we design and made all kind of things under your specifications. Do you need a mixer with special routing or effects? Or a table top stereo effect? We do it with you!